Legal notice

Everything you need to know

It’s very simple: here we explain that we offer an open license for most of our material, that we promise not to share your name and address with anyone, and that when you request it, we will delete the data you have provided us with.

In compliance with the Law on E-commerce and Information Society Services, and other complementary legislation, we inform you that the website is the property and responsibility of the Fundació Jaume Bofill, registered at Carrer Girona 34 Interior (08010 Barcelona, Spain), with CIF no. G08241036, registered in the Registry of Foundations of the Generalitat de Catalunya under no. 159, with telephone number +34 93 458 87 00 and email address, and registered in the Registry of Interest Groups of the Administration of the Generalitat and the Public Sector, with identification 1226.

Intellectual property

The Fundació Jaume Bofill is the owner of the following domains: / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

The structure and totality of the contents of this website are the property of the Fundació Jaume Bofill as the license holder. In any case, the use made of them is expressly authorised by its owners. However, references to trade names or trademarks, logos and other distinctive signs, whether owned by Fundació Jaume Bofill or third parties, imply a prohibition on their use without the prior, express and written permission of the Fundació Jaume Bofill or the rightful owners.

Use of the website

Access to our website by the user is free and is subject to the prior reading and full, express and unreserved acceptance of the Legal Notice and Terms and Conditions which are in force at the time of access, and which we ask that you read carefully. The Fundació Jaume Bofill is not responsible for the misuse of the contents of the website, which are the sole responsibility of the user who accesses or uses them. The Fundació Jaume Bofill reserves the right to modify this legal text freely and at any time, without prior notice, as well as the contents of the domains, and the Terms and Conditions of this notice. At times certain information and documents may not be accessible.

Would you like to share our content?

You are welcome to, and we would love you to! Most of our content is distributed under the Creative Commons license, specified in each case, so that you can download it. Therefore, unless otherwise noted, we encourage you to copy, redistribute, remix or transform and create content of this website for any purpose, including commercial use. We only ask that you acknowledge the authorship of the original creation.

Link to us!

You can link to us whenever you want! All we ask is that you make the URL visible and indicate that you are accessing a website of the Fundació Jaume Bofill.

Links to other institutions and organisations

This website also contains links or hyperlinks that direct you to other websites managed by third parties outside our organisation. The presence of links on the website is for informational purposes only. The Fundació Jaume Bofill cannot guarantee the content or information contained in the aforementioned websites, their veracity or if they have been updated, and consequently the Fundació Jaume Bofill is exempt from any liability for damages of any kind that may derive from the use of websites other than our own.

The information and publication services offered by the Fundació Jaume Bofill through its public websites and the sending of periodic newsletters by email are free of charge to any user who would like to receive them. However, there are services from other related websites that may be linked to these websites that have their own pricing policy.

We care about your privacy, trust us!

We will never share your name and address with anyone. The Fundació Jaume Bofill wishes to be completely respectful of the rights of people to preserve their privacy and therefore complies with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals in all matters relating to the processing of personal data and their free movement. It also complies with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on E-commerce and Information Society Services.

If you would like to receive information about our activity, simply send us your contact details through this form and we will provide you with information about upcoming events, publications, videos and current news, completely free of charge. To resolve any questions regarding the registration process and / or to identify and correct possible errors, you can contact the Fundació Jaume Bofill, by email: , or by telephone: +34 934 588 700.

Unless you state otherwise, we understand that by accepting this legal text you give your express consent and authorisation to process data, send information and / or communications, whether commercial or not, which may be of interest to you, through any type of media, even electronic, such as your email or mobile phone.

If you wish to share photos, recorded voices and / or personal or family videos with the Fundació Jaume Bofill, you are giving us your express consent for the Fundació Jaume Bofill to use your personal image and voice and / or the image and voices of family members who are minors, which you have provided directly or allowed us to capture voluntarily, in accordance with Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, on the Civil Protection of the Right to Honour, to Personal and Family Privacy and to One’s Own Image, for use and dissemination in the Foundation’s own or third-party media and in other commercial or informative media that the Foundation deems relevant, by any means, whether graphic, audiovisual or sound, printed or electronic or by any other type of unspecified means, for strictly informative or promotional purposes of the Fundació Jaume Bofill and its activities, expressly renouncing the claim of its possible economic rights, without geographical or temporal limitations, always within the strict framework of the promotional aims of the Fundació Jaume Bofill.

Revocation of consent and other rights with respect to the user’s personal data. You can revoke the consent you have given for the processing of your data in order to inform you by post and / or email about the Foundation’s activities and projects. You can also revoke your consent to the dissemination of your personal or family image and exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, in writing and signed to the following postal address: Carrer Girona, 34 B, 08010 Barcelona, Spain or by email: or via the newsletter itself, specifying the right you wish to exercise.

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