Antoni Marín Saldo
Antoni Marín Saldo, sociòleg, estadísitic i investigador del CRIT.
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Education and Social Mobility in Catalonia is a research series structured as an ongoing analysis on inequality of opportunity process, using the various waves of the Fundació Jaume Bofill’s Panel on Social Inequalities in Catalonia (PaD). This panel is a longitudinal survey that has provided a unique perspective on Catalan society since 2001.
Data has been collected annually since 2001 from a sample made up of 1,991 households and 5,785 individuals. This survey covers a wide spectrum of disciplines that include socio-demographic data, education, work (labour and domestic), health, housing, income, language and political culture (as shown in the Summary of Contents). Since 2011, the survey has focused on education in particular.
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