The story told by its protagonists

Fathia Benhammou
Fathia Benhammou completed a Teaching degree programme, specialising in Early Childhood Education, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). She also holds a master’s degree in Social Exclusion, Cultural Diversity and Socio-Educational Intervention from the University of Girona (UdG).
She has extensive experience in social and educational work with adolescents of immigrant origin, as well as in the design, leadership and management of intervention projects with young people at risk.
Her active participation in entities of the third sector in favour of the rights of people of immigrant origin, and especially the rights of women, and her concern for the integration of the new generations in Catalonia, have greatly influenced her career. She is moreover the author of several articles on these topics and she has held numerous conferences and courses on immigration and the management of diversity in the classroom and in educational leisure spaces.
At the Foundation, she was in charge of the Entrecultures programme from 1998 to 2010, and she was the director of the Programmes Area from 2011 to July of 2019. Likewise, since 2011 she has been a member of the executive team. She began a new endeavour in September 2019, directing the Education 360 alliance with the firm conviction that the educational opportunities of all must be increased by connecting time, spaces and educational agents.