The story told by its protagonists

Ignasi Carreras Fisas
Ignasi Carreras i Fisas is an industrial engineer of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and a graduate in Business Organisation and Management (EAE). He holds post-graduate degrees in Executive Leadership Development from Stanford, Harvard and the Babson Business School.
He is the founder and a researcher of the Institute for Social Innovation, where he has also been the director, and he is an associate professor of the Strategy and General Management Department at ESADE, the school where he continued his academic training in the Senior Executive Programme.
He is the president of Oxfam Intermón and a member of Oxfam’s international governing body. He was also the general manager of this NGO and a member of the Oxfam International management committee.
Likewise, Ignasi Carreras Fisas is a member of the board of trustees of the Hazlo Posible foundation. He previously belonged to the international management board of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and to the board of trustees of the think tank Cristianisme i Justícia. He was a member of the founding team of the Casal dels Infants (an association created to fight children’s social exclusion) and also of the organisation Recollim (linked to Caritas). Ignasi has worked for the Government of Catalonia and at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). He is the author or co-author of several books connected with solidarity, leadership and management in NGOs.