Alba Vilaregut
Alba Vilaregut is a physical education teacher with over 20 years’ experience. She holds a master’s degree in Emotional Ecology from the Àmbit Foundation, and a master’s degree in Enhancement of Teaching in Children's Pre-School and Primary School Education from the University of Vic (UVic)-Central University of Catalonia (UCC) and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). She is a member and coordinator of the working group CoopEFecte of the Centre for Training and Innovation in Education (CIFE) at UVic, and she also collaborates with the University of Vic as a job placement tutor.
She is a training coordinator of the Magnet programme, on secondment at the Government of Catalonia’s Education Department. She is in charge of monitoring the programme’s education and training centres, and of organising its training activities, together with Xavier Geis and Sílvia Zurita.
“I'm a person who is curious, committed and involved. I believe in the value of cooperative work in the accompaniment of experiential learning, ensuring that students think and work creatively and critically.”
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