Videoconferències on diferents ponents reflexionen sobre una temàtica concreta en format àudio o vídeo i un grup de participants segueixen la sessió plantejant les seves preguntes o reflexions.
Anna Sadurní
Anna Sadurní is a graduate in Philology from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and completed a post-graduate course and master’s degree in Publishing at that institution. She also holds a post-graduate degree in Social Media Contents and a Certificate of Aptitude for Teaching at Secondary Level from the University of Barcelona (UB). During the last year of her studies, she obtained a grant to work at the publishing house Edicions 62 and this opened the doors to the publishing world for her. She then went on to work at various other publishers and advertising agencies, including PAU Education, McGraw-Hill, edebé, and Penguin Random House, with responsibilities as a publishing assistant and writer, later as an editor, and for some years now as an editorial coordinator, contents manager, and project manager. She has edited over one hundred paper books and for a number of years she has been exploring the social networks and all other types of innovative, original and different developments. She has also worked as a teacher in vocational training seminars on the future of the publishing world, and as a Catalan language teacher at secondary schools.
She enjoys sharing her interests with others and for this reason she has created her own personal project #Helpeditors, which is a collaborative platform and a free publishing consultancy.
Involved in the initiative