Xavier Murillo
Cap d'estudis de l'Institut Sant Andreu.
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Which are the factors that help us explain teachers' expectations of students' success? To what extent are those expectations conditioned by very frequent issues in the Catalan education system such as school segregation or level grouping?
Which is the role of teacher training politics about this issue in this country? In what way do education legislation and cuts affect culture, practice and teachers' expectations? What can centres do in order to expand students', families' and teachers' expectations? How can we contribute to create a culture of high expections of success for all the students among teachers?
National and international research has shown that the possibilities of success of students cannot be explained only by social, economical and cultural resources coming from their families; They are not linked to the characteristics of the educational offer or pedagogical and curriculum organization of education centres. Teachers must play a main role in explaining those possibilities of success: They open or close educational opportunities to their students with their teaching, relationship and expectations. They are active agents who can provide those opportunities.
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