The MENTORA programme strives to ensure that young people at risk of leaving school early decide to continue studying beyond the compulsory secondary school level until they graduate from post-compulsory education.
Laura Cardús
Graduate in Primary Education Teaching, master’s degree in Development and Cooperation, and PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology. She has conducted ethnographic research in Mexico and in Barcelona, and she is a university teacher as well as a trainer and consultant for social and educational mentoring projects. Since 2015, Laura has been working on mentoring projects in the third sector, especially for pupils at high risk of educational exclusion.
Involved in the initiative
It has been part of the following events
Joves prenent la veu: Ombres de Colors entra a l’institut
Joves prenent la veu: Ombres de Colors entra a l’institut
Garantir el pas de l’ESO a la postobligatòria dels i les joves de Catalunya és un repte que cal perseguir per traçar millors camins i futurs compartits. Evitar que...
28/10/2024 10:00h - 13:00h
Hub Social, c/ Girona, 34 interior 08010 Barcelona
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Seguim apostant per la mentoria perquè més alumnes continuïn e...
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23/02/2024 09:30h - 13:15h
HUB Social - c/ Girona, 34 interior, Barcelona
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03/03/2023 09:15h - 12:15h
HUB Social - c/ Girona, 34 interior, Barcelona
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