MATH TUTORING is a mathematics tutoring and enrichment project that combines face-to-face tutoring in small groups with an online platform. Its purpose is to support those students who need it most in learning mathematics.
Xavier Alarcón
Impulsor de Passaport Edunauta (Aliança Educació 360)
Doctor en Educació per la UDG, on ha estat enfocat en estudiar projectes de mentoria social per a joves immigrants extutelats i persones refugiades. Es va graduar en Treball Social per la URV i va realitzar el Màster Interuniversitari en Joventut i Societat coordinat per la UDG.
Té experiència com a formador i tècnic de projectes socioeducatius per a joves i infants en risc d'exclusió social, així com en la gestió de voluntariat. Li agrada anar en bici, esquiar i viatjar, però del que més gaudeix és d'un passeig amb una bona conversa.
Involved in the initiative
“Educational Support. Accompanying to accelerate opportunities” is an innovative programme intended to make it possible for all children and teenagers to be as well-equipped as possible to have successful educational careers, no matter what their starting conditions are.
The Edunaut Passport is a project that connects, recognises and emphasises learning for children from 3 to 12 years, outside school, promoting access to all young people in a municipality, neighbourhood or region, making educational activities available to them, regardless of their background.
Children carry out most of their daily activities outside of school hours. Lunch time, afternoons, weekends and the summer holidays are moments when children can take part in activities that they enjoy, that motivate them, and which offer them life lessons, connecting them with other friends, other spaces and other interests.