Multiply the opportunities for academic success
CompletedMATH TUTORING is aimed at pupils in the 6th year of primary school who have not consolidated their basic knowledge of mathematics and who, therefore, need to receive support in this area to guarantee their educational success. This proposal, inspired by different methodologies of international reference such as National Tutoring Programme (UK), Americorps and Rescue Plan Funding (USA), presents a model of educational support that goes far beyond reinforcing the learning of mathematics; it also seeks to overcome the negative feeling or perception that many
students develop.
What do we propose and why is a project like MATH TUTORING necessary?
For many students, mathematics is perceived as a subject that generates fear and respect. It is often during primary school that this feeling begins to develop and, unfortunately, ends up affecting academic results.
The MATH TUTORING project has been created to overcome this fear and help children to improve their learning in the area of mathematics. A proposal that provides these children with the confidence, security and motivation they need outside school hours.
Mathematics is a key skill in the intellectual development of people, it is part of our daily lives. And not all children have the same opportunities throughout the learning process. These facts, plus those described above, make it necessary to develop educational support proposals such as MATH TUTORING, designed for those children who need it most.
What methodology do we use and how do we implement it?
MATH TUTORING has been implemented for the first time in the academic year 2022-23. The intervention was aimed at pupils in the 6th year of primary school and has involved 50 schools throughout Catalonia. In order to measure its effectiveness, this proposal evaluate through a randomized impact assessment. In other words, the impact of the project is compared between those who benefit from it
(treatment group) and those who do not (control group).
These are the key features of the project:
> Trained tutors. Each group of students is assigned a tutor who has received specific training in the didactics of mathematics according to the methodology of the project.
> Small groups. Each group is made up of 3 or 4 students from the same level and school, so the sessions are personalised and last 1.5 hours per week.
> Active teaching. The different concepts and mathematical skills are acquired while
exploring, manipulating and sharing with the group. Each session ends with a short
time of individual practice, with the support of the tutor.
> Technological support. A virtual platform helps tutors to see progress and adapt activities. This optimises impact and facilitates evaluation. Tutors have regular coaching to ensure that the activities are the most appropriate and motivate children.
More information:
This programme is funded by:
Previous events
Increasing educational opportunities by advancing evidence-based public policy
Increasing educational opportunities by advancing evidence-based public...
The Bofill Foundation has led a pioneering randomized control trial (RCT), the first of this type applied to educational programs in Spain, with more than 230 schools and...
23/11/2023 09:15h - 13:30h
HUB SOCIAL - Fundació Bofill C/ Girona, 34 Interior
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Project team
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Impulsor de Passaport Edunauta (Aliança Educació 360)
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Candela Blanco
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Víctor Casanova
Tècnic de comptabilitat
Formació Vaig estudiar Administració i direcció d’empreses a la Universitat Rovira i Virgili i posteriorment el màster en Formació de professorat. Experiència Des del desembre del 2024 soc Tècnic Comptable de la Fundació Bofill. Del 2022 fins al 2023, vaig ser tècnic de gestió del programa MA…
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Marina Gallardo
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Montse Gisbert
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Esther Nadal
Tècnica de recerca de l'avaluació qualitativa dels programes de Suport Educatiu
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Ona Guiteras
Assistent de recerca LECXIT (Suport Educatiu) i MATH TUTORING
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