Helen Milner

Helen Milner

Helen Milner OBE is the Group Chief Executive of Good Things Foundation, an international social change charity whose mission is a world where everyone can benefit from digital.

Good Things Foundation Group operates in the UK and Australia, working with thousands of hyper-local community partners so that people can benefit from everything the internet and digital technologies have to offer.

Founded as a staff-led mutual charity in the UK in 2011, Helen led the establishment of a subsidiary charity, opening an office in Sydney in August 2017, and running the Be Connected Network for the Australian Government.

Since 2010 her organisation and its local partners have helped over 3.2 million people to improve their lives through digital.

Helen was awarded an OBE for services to digital inclusion in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in June 2015. In 2017 she won the coveted title of Digital Leader of the Year (UK).

Helen has worked in the UK House of Commons as a member of The Speaker’s Commission for Digital Democracy and was the Specialist Advisor on Digital Engagement to the House of Commons’ Public Accounts Committee.

She is a Member of the Digital Skills Partnership Board chaired by the UK’s Digital Minister.


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