Digital Equity
OpenFrom the Digital Equity Laboratory we will explore, experiment and promote initiatives that bet on a more diverse, critical and humane vision of the technologies used in education.
Achieving Digital Equity is a shared mission, in which everyone is called to contribute: teachers, researchers, municipal technicians, entrepreneurs, activists, as well as students. Therefore, the laboratory is a tool that we give ourselves as an educational community, a shared resource that serves us to learn more, accelerate effective solutions and, above all, offer new digital opportunities to those groups that need them the most.
The laboratory is structured into spaces, understood as themes where education interacts with digital technologies and social justice. We invite you to participate by sharing your reflections, ideas, and proposals.From now on, let's educate technologies together!
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Project team
Héctor Gardó
Project Manager
With a PhD in Education Sciences from Ramon Llull University (URL), Héctor Gardó also holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and has completed a master’s degree in Public Management at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). He recently under…
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Eric Roig
Analista de dades d'Equitat Digital
Graduat en Mestre d’Educació Primària, és doctor en Educació Física, especialitat de la qual està enamorat. Actualment, col·labora en diferents projectes de recerca vinculats a l’Educació Física i la Cognició. Té experiència docent a diferents escoles així com a professor associat de …
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