Aquest projecte ofereix recursos i materials de qualitat que aportin conceptes, reflexions, i perspectives al professorat per comprendre i gestionar la diversitat sociocultural present a l'aula.
Pilar Ugidos Franco
Bachelor of Education with the speciality of Philology and French of the College of Education of León; Master in NLP and Coaching, and NLP Practitioner of the Gestalt Institute in Barcelona.
Pilar Ugidos Franco is a trainer in the fields of diversity, behaviour change management, teamwork and communication.
She was a teaching technical advisor of the Government of Catalonia’s Education Department between 2005 and 2010, and she became a teachers’ advisor on language, interculturality and social cohesion at primary and secondary schools in Badalona, Santa Coloma and Barcelona in 1997.
In the publishing field, Pilar is the co-author of the book Diversitat cultural i exclusió escolar. Dinàmiques educatives, relacions interpersonals i actituds del professorat, published by Fundació Jaume Bofill.
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