Isabel Vilaseca Roca
A graduate in Social Work of the University of Barcelona (UB), Isabel Vilaseca Roca holds a master’s degree in Humanities from Ramon Llull University (URL) and a post-graduate degree in Cultural Management from the University of Barcelona (UB).
After several years of activity as a social worker, she reoriented her career towards cultural management. She has a broad view of this field thanks to her experience in different cultural sectors, ranging from the public administration to private enterprise.
Isabel joined the board of trustees of Fundació Jaume Bofill in 1995 and was appointed as its chairperson in 2007.
For Isabel, chairing the Foundation entails a commitment to watch out for the mission and the values which have always marked this institution, to promote its social utility for today’s Catalonia, and to combine the talents of the trustees as a team of people who reflect on and decide upon the new challenges which are to be undertaken.
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