Code Club és un espai extraescolar obert i gratuït, un CLUB de programació dirigit a infants entre 9 i 12 anys on aprendre bons usos digitals, pensament computacional creatiu i eines per transformar el món que ens envolta. A Code Club, programar és també una estratègia d’equitat digital per construir una societat més justa.
Agnès Pàmies
A graduate in Social Education with a bachelor’s degree in Psychopedagogy and a post-graduate degree in Intervention with Children and Adolescents under Social Risk, Agnès Pàmies extended her training with studies of Management of Non-
Profit Entities and a master’s degree in Strategic Management of Information and Knowledge in Organisations.
Agnès has over 20 years’ experience in the social field, helping to improve the conditions of collectives and geographical areas in a situation of vulnerability. She has worked as an educator in centres for minors, as an activity facilitator and as an ICT trainer, subsequently taking up responsibilities for coordination and management of projects. For over ten years she was the technical director of the association Casal dels Infants (Children’s Centre), supervising internal development and innovation in the entity’s services and taking part in networks of that sector. At present Agnès Pàmies also cooperates as an instructor in the “Planning and Assessment” course of the Social Education bachelor’s degree at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). She enjoys enhancing the capacities of people and communities to find answers to social challenges, always combining strict analysis and creativity in a well-balanced way.
Involved in the initiative
MATH TUTORING is a mathematics tutoring and enrichment project that combines face-to-face tutoring in small groups with an online platform. Its purpose is to support those students who need it most in learning mathematics.
“Educational Support. Accompanying to accelerate opportunities” is an innovative programme intended to make it possible for all children and teenagers to be as well-equipped as possible to have successful educational careers, no matter what their starting conditions are.
Publications and videos
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