MATH TUTORING is a mathematics tutoring and enrichment project that combines face-to-face tutoring in small groups with an online platform. Its purpose is to support those students who need it most in learning mathematics.
Graduada en sociologia per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i màster del professorat a la mateixa institució.
Amb experiència en el món de la consultoria social. Especialment en l'àmbit de l’administració local, generant eines, diagnosis i plans estratègics aplicats per a la millora de les polítiques públiques.
Per altra banda, ha treballat en la gestió del coneixement de programes, generant models, detectant als experts i creant instruments per l'aixecament de bones pràctiques i elements claus, convertint-los en eines útils per als diferents agents implicats.
Involved in the initiative
MATH TUTORING is a mathematics tutoring and enrichment project that combines face-to-face tutoring in small groups with an online platform. Its purpose is to support those students who need it most in learning mathematics.
“Educational Support. Accompanying to accelerate opportunities” is an innovative programme intended to make it possible for all children and teenagers to be as well-equipped as possible to have successful educational careers, no matter what their starting conditions are.
School funding is the foundation of the school system. It determines how many and what resources (human, monetary, material, training...) reach schools and colleges so that they can offer educational opportunities to their students.
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04/12/2024 17:00h - 18:00h
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