The equality formula
Financing for a formula for Catalonia
OpenSchool funding is the foundation of the school system. It determines how many and what resources (human, monetary, material, training...) reach schools and colleges so that they can offer educational opportunities to their students. Schools will use these resources according to their educational project, but without the resources – or with insufficient ones – there are no sustainable projects.
The current system distributes resources among schools primarily based on the number of students they have, and some corrections are added based on the complexity of these schools. However, this funding is marginal; it does not meet the real needs of complex schools. If we want all schools to be able to offer quality education and real educational opportunities to their students, it is necessary to increase funding for those schools and colleges with greater social and educational vulnerability.
The equality formula is a proposal for a new system of allocation that, as is done in most neighbouring countries, recognises that not all educational centres have the same needs and therefore tailors the resources to the complexity of each school or college.
In other words, a system that allocates more to the schools that need more. We therefore propose a much-needed reformulation of the funding system, which addresses a key challenge for the education system: improving the equality of the system based on the diversity of needs in schools.
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Project coordinators
Miquel Àngel Alegre
Project Manager
Doctor in Sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has worked as an analyst at the Institut Català d’Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques, coordinating evaluations of educational, social and labour policies and programmes. He was previously a Ramón y Cajal researcher and directo…
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Xavier Chavarria
Xavier Chavarria (Barcelona, 1954) ha treballat com a inspector escolar des de 1990 fins a la seva jubilació l’any 2020 (els darrers 15 anys com a inspector en cap). Feina que ha compatibilitzat amb la docència universitària (UB: 2000-2012; UOC: des de l’any 1998). Actualment, segueix ensenyant …
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Project team
Laura Morató
Project Coordinator
Holder of a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Barcelona (UB), a diploma in Advanced Studies in Sociology (UB) and a post-graduate in University Teaching (UB), she is also a university expert in Advanced Methods of Applied Statistics from the Universidad Nacional d…
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Candela Blanco
Graduada en sociologia per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i màster del professorat a la mateixa institució. Amb experiència en el món de la consultoria social. Especialment en l'àmbit de l’administració local, generant eines, diagnosis i plans estratègics aplicats per a la millora de les po…
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Marcel Pagès
Marcel Pagès doctor en sociologia, membre del grup de recerca GEPS i investigador del Projecte Reformed, del Departament de Sociologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Els seus interessos de recerca són els processos de reforma educativa global, la governança escolar i les desigualtats edu…
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