International research shows that mixed-provision models, such as that of Catalonia, tend to increase inequality and school segregation, and require effective regulation to reduce or compensate for them.
Doctora en Sociologia per la Universitat Autònoma de Bar-celona. Actualment és investigadora en Política educativa de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i la University of Glasgow. Ha col·laborat com a investigadora i consultora amb diferents organizacions com Education International, UNESCO o Open Societies Foundations. Les seves àrees d'interès són l'educació comparada, les polítiques educatives de mercat i la governança global de l'educació.
Involved in the initiative
International research shows that mixed-provision models, such as that of Catalonia, tend to increase inequality and school segregation, and require effective regulation to reduce or compensate for them.
The Yearbook Education Challenges in Catalonia is presented as an instrument for the prioritisation and mobilisation of the political agenda. It sets out challenges and priority policies, identifies levers for change and puts forward specific transformation measures.
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22/03/2023 17:00h - 19:30h
HUB SOCIAL - Fundació Bofill C/ Girona, 34 Interior
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