Action against segregation
OpenWhat is DeSegregAction?
Within the European context, levels of school segregation in Catalonia have been very high for many years, with no signs of improvement. These high levels lead to a low overall educational attainment and a high degree of inequality.
The DeSegregAction project continuously monitors levels of school segregation at municipal and national level and promotes actions that encourage the different public institutions to deploy effective desegregation measures.
Below you will find the main materials and documents of the project, which we invite you to read:
School segregation explained
You can take a look at various types of content that explains the most basic elements of school segregation:
- Article: What is school segregation? How is it measured? What are the consequences?
- Video: What is school segregation and what are the consequences?
- Monograph: School segregation. What is the problem and which municipal policies work?
The evolution of school segregation. The data
Learn more about the evolution of the main indicators of school segregation in Catalonia and in your municipality:
- Report: The state and evolution of school segregation in Catalonia in 2020
- Interactive map: School segregation by municipality
- Key facts: Would you like to know the level of school segregation in your municipality?
Effective policies to reduce segregation
Explore the different options available to local authorities to effectively reduce school segregation:
- Article: 8 specific measures at municipal level to combat school segregation
- Article: 5 key questions when it comes to leading the fight against school segregation from the municipalities
- Publication: Guidelines for reducing school segregation
- Document: Guidelines for planning local educational provision
- Document: Guidelines for the identification and management of pupils who enroll in schools once the school year has begun
- Annual calendar of measures against school segregation
- 12 measures from the admissions decree that need urgent implementation to reduce segregation
- Document: Municipal public policy proposals against school segregation
Activism to combat school segregation
Are you part of the educational or political community, or are you a committed citizen? Explore the different materials available to promote policies against school segregation.
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Project team
María Segurola
Head of the DeSegregAction Project
A graduate in Journalism from Ceu San Pablo University, María Segurola also completed a master's degree in Public and Social Policies (Johns Hopkins University and Pompeu Fabra University-UPF). She has experience as a journalist in news media and in the corporate communication world. Her career has …
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Julián Claramunt
Monitoring of policies against the school segregation
Coordinador de polítiques contra la segregació escolar Graduat en Ciències Polítiques i de l'Administració Pública (Universitat de Barcelona) amb màster en Comunicació Política (Universitat Complutense de Madrid) i Anàlisi política (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). El seu perfil compta amb dos ve…
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