International research shows that mixed-provision models, such as that of Catalonia, tend to increase inequality and school segregation, and require effective regulation to reduce or compensate for them.
Antoni Verger
Antoni Verger i Planells, Catedràtic de Sociologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i investigador ICREA Acadèmia en els àmbits de la política educativa i de l’educació comparada. És editor principal de la Journal of Education Policy i del World Yearbook of Education. Coordina el Màster Europeu GLOBED (Education Policies for Global Development) i el grup de recerca GLANCE (Global and Comparative Studies in Education) en el marc del GEPS-UAB.
Involved in the initiative
The REFORMED project (Reforming Schools Globally: A Multi-Scalar Analysis of Autonomy and Accountability Policies in the Education Sector) aims to explore the implementation of decentralisation, school autonomy and accountability policies (through external tests such as basic skills tests) in different education systems. In particular, it explores how management teams and teaching staff perceive, interpret and implement these policies in their schools.
«Educació Post 2015. Equitat i qualitat per a tothom» és un projecte liderat pel Centre UNESCO de Catalunya i la Fundació Jaume Bofill i orientat a contribuir al debat sobre els objectius per a l’educació mundial post 2015, que es presentarà enguany a la UNESCO i a la comunitat internacional.
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