Enric Aragonès Jové
After obtaining a Music degree at the Catalonia College of Music (ESMUC) in the Pedagogy speciality, Enric Aragonès Jové studied an interuniversity master’s degree in Public Management from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), the University of Barcelona (UB) and Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).
His professional activity has been linked to music education in the teaching, management and advisory spheres, always involving tasks oriented towards equality of opportunities with respect to the right to artistic education. Indeed, he considers that artistic practice is a cultural right that must be ensured.
He is a professor of the Department of Education and Artistic Mediation of ESMUC. He had previously been a professor and pedagogical and international relations coordinator of Taller de Músics ESEM, and for six years he belonged to the team of the Municipal School of Music-Arts Centre (EMMCA) of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, where he was the pedagogic coordinator and local manager of the network ONSTAGE: Music Schools for Social Change (URBACT). He has also been a member of the board of the Catalan Association of Music Schools. As an external consultant on educational and cultural policies, he has collaborated with Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Provincial Council, the Catalan Institute of Cultural Enterprises, and the Catalan Council of Culture and the Arts (CoNCA), among other entities. He has also contributed to a publication of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MDW) about collaboration in music schools and the “right to all possible paths”.
Involved in the initiative
The Fundació Bofill has developed Vota Educació, an initiative to give the main challenges of equality a prominent position in the Catalan elections. We want and believe that these elections should be about education, and that the next legislature should be one of education.
The Edunaut Passport is a project that connects, recognises and emphasises learning for children from 3 to 12 years, outside school, promoting access to all young people in a municipality, neighbourhood or region, making educational activities available to them, regardless of their background.
Children carry out most of their daily activities outside of school hours. Lunch time, afternoons, weekends and the summer holidays are moments when children can take part in activities that they enjoy, that motivate them, and which offer them life lessons, connecting them with other friends, other spaces and other interests.
Publications and videos
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