The collaborations included in this 2020 Yearbook, compiled by ten experts led by César Coll and Bernat Albaigés, address some of the most pressing educational challenges we share with our neighbouring countries, based on the reality of the Catalan education system, and its strengths and weaknesses.
Sarai Samper Sierra
Sarai Samper Sierra és sociòloga i especialista en investigació social aplicada. Des de 2004 desenvolupa la seva tasca professional a D-CAS (Col·lectiu d'Analistes Socials), col·laborant amb institucions públiques en la realització de projectes aplicats en l'àmbit de les polítiques socials.
Involved in the initiative
With the aim of helping to renew the debate on the school timetable, the Fundació Jaume Bofill and the Federació de Moviments de Renovació Pedagògica have compiled a document with proposals to define a new horizon of school hours for the country, reflecting the educational and social challenges of today.
Children carry out most of their daily activities outside of school hours. Lunch time, afternoons, weekends and the summer holidays are moments when children can take part in activities that they enjoy, that motivate them, and which offer them life lessons, connecting them with other friends, other spaces and other interests.
Publications and videos
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