“Educational Support. Accompanying to accelerate opportunities” is an innovative programme intended to make it possible for all children and teenagers to be as well-equipped as possible to have successful educational careers, no matter what their starting conditions are.
Núria Comas
Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and master’s degree in World History from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).
Núria Comas joined Fundació Jaume Bofill in 2020 as the coordinator of the project What works in education?. She has also coordinated the symposium Classroom evidence: Education with a basis, and the campaign + Research x Better Education. She is an associate professor at UPF’s Political and Social Sciences Department.
Previously she was an analyst at Ivàlua (the Catalan Institute for Public Policy Assessment). She also was a consultant and a researcher at Fundació Pere Tarrés, where she worked on the evaluation of programmes; on research on social exclusion, youth, health and elderly people; and on communication initiatives in the third sector. Before then she had been a research assistant at the Centre for Legal Studies and Specialised Training.
Involved in the initiative
Catalonia has an outstanding challenge in using research to lead the education system and respond to the challenges linked to education. We are committed to research to improve the country’s education!
A meeting space between teachers and educational researchers to share evidence and practices on various dimensions related to education.
We are looking for 30 schools that wish to take a leap forward in the use of research to improve teaching practice and student learning.
What Works in Education? is an initiative to collect and disseminate what we know about the effectiveness of educational interventions, in order to inform decision-making processes.
Publications and videos
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