Early drop-out is one of the foremost challenges facing the Catalan educational system. Although the early drop-out figures have been reduced in recent decades, Catalonia still leads the countries with the most lowly qualified young people without post-compulsory education.
Elena Sintes
PhD in Sociology and bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona (UB). With extensive experience as a researcher in public policies of time and education, Elena Sintes has done research at the University of Barcelona and at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), at the Municipality of Barcelona in the framework of the “Time and Quality of Life” programme, and at the Barcelona Institute of Childhood and Adolescence.
Always investigating what the public policies of time and education should be like in order to achieve a fairer society, she has written Back home at three? The social and educational impact of the continuous school day, Full-time school. Towards as shared education model, and Education by the hour. Other school timetables are possible.
She has also directed the project The University Path. Access, learning conditions, expectations and returns of university studies . Likewise, she has formed an active part of the programme Let’s open up education, which takes on the challenge of finding solutions and answers to what should be done to ensure a quality education for all children and young people.
Involved in the initiative
What is the current situation with regard to adult education in Catalonia? What needs and challenges are there? What improvement actions are needed? We shall review the field of adult education in Catalonia in order to provide a vision and proposals for a sector that is in need of an urgent overhaul.
Devices, connectivity, guidance and basic training are not enough to ensure that the digitalisation of education promotes more effective learning and bridges the digital gap. This is why pedagogical designs are needed to help teachers and schools apply digital technologies with active and competent methodologies.
The Fundació Bofill has developed Vota Educació, an initiative to give the main challenges of equality a prominent position in the Catalan elections. We want and believe that these elections should be about education, and that the next legislature should be one of education.
Why open up education? Against educational inequalities. Due to the coronavirus crisis this year, children and young people may be out of school for six months. If we add the summer break to the final term of the 19/20 school year, which was online learning, children and young people are unlikely to set foot in the classroom until next year.
With the aim of helping to renew the debate on the school timetable, the Fundació Jaume Bofill and the Federació de Moviments de Renovació Pedagògica have compiled a document with proposals to define a new horizon of school hours for the country, reflecting the educational and social challenges of today.
A diagnosis of additional school support in Catalonia, with which we want to identify what needs to be done to place additional school support as a key element in the fight against educational inequality and, therefore, as the line of action in an oriented educational policy for educational success.
The Fundació Jaume Bofill Classroom is a space for participation and debate to find solutions to educational challenges. The aim of this series of events is to discuss proposals and solutions to the main challenges identified in the Fundació’s own research, or in those of others.
Aquesta recerca recull el coneixement disponible sobre els impactes socials i educatius de la jornada escolar contínua.
"Via Universitària" és una enquesta en línia als estudiants universitaris per tal de conèixer qui són, com és el seu pas per la universitat i què n’esperen.
La finalitat del projecte és estudiar algunes experiències d’escoles a temps complet, tant a nivell català com internacional, i analitzar les condicions d’aplicabilitat d'aquestes experiències a Catalunya.
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